- 在基础认证Lv1时,您需要提供您公司的以下信息:
- 企业注册国家
- 企业名称
- 营业执照注册号
- 注册日期
- 注册地址及运营地址
- 公司实际控制人(或普通合伙人)、董事、最终受益人(或有限合伙人/普通合伙人)的基本信息
- 确认公司不包含不记名股票
- 在高级认证Lv2时,您需要提供您所在公司的如下的信息和文件:
- 公司业务介绍
- 客户类别(不需填写,需要在系统中选择)
- 资金来源(不需填写,需要在系统中选择)
- 预期在本平台的月交易量(不需填写,需要在系统中选择)
- 公司总资产管理规模(不需填写,需要在系统中选择)
请注意,指定的文件是所需的一般文件。 如果贵公司的文件名称与我们指定的文件名称不同,请提供与所需文档等效的文档。
- 企业注册证书及商业登记证
- 股权结构图
- 公司章程(规范和约束公司权力的证明文件或任何相关的创始文件)
- 董事在职证书/年度报表(详细列出上一财年公司董事和受益股东的文件;或确认公司股东结构,所有权和管理的类似文件)
- 公司会议记录/董事会决议(文件中需包含在OKLink户授权的相关信息,认证页面上有相应的示例)
- 公司实际控制人、最终受益人、被授权操作账户人员的身份住址证明文件(每个用户身份证明和地址证明都需要至少上传一张,如果该证明文件有正反面则必须上传正面和反面,如果只有正面,可以只上传正面。)
- 公司反洗钱政策(如适用)
How to open a corporate account at OKLink?
First, please open a new account at OKLink with the email address you wish to use as your corporate login. Then go to “Settings > Verification”, and choose “Corporate Verification”.
To fully access all features on OKLink, you will have to complete both Level 1 and Level 2 KYC verification.
How to enter into the corporate verification page?
Log in your account and click the button Verification.
How to complete the Level 1 verification?
- For basic verification (Level 1), please provide the following basic information of your company, including:
- Country of registration
- Company name
- Company registration number
- Date of incorporation
- Registration address and operation address
- Actual controllers (or partners), directors and UBO information (e.g. legal representative, actual controller, account user)
- Confirm that your company has no bearer shares
- For advanced verification (Level 2), please provide the following information:
- Company introduction (A brief description of the company's business operations)
- Customer type (It can be selected in the system)
- Sources of funds (It can be selected in the system)
- Estimated monthly trading volume (It can be selected in the system)
- Total assets managing (It can be selected in the system)
As well as the relevant company documents including:
- Certificate of Incorporation & Business Registration
- Shareholder structure chart
- Company Memorandum & Articles of Association (M&AA)
- Certificate of Incumbency / Annual Return (Please list the documents of the company's directors and beneficiary shareholders in the previous fiscal year in detail; or similar documents confirming the company's shareholder structure, ownership and management)
- Account opening authorization letter (There’s an example on the Level 2 verification page.)
- Actual controller/ Ultimate Beneficial Owner/ authorized account operator proof (identity and address proof document)
- AML Policy (If applicable)
NOTE: The materials must be ≤ 5MB uploaded in JPG, JPEG, PNG, or PDF format.